Monday, November 24, 2008

I haven't orgasmed that hard since your mother.

I got SO excited today about starting my own visual diary next year. I went out to buy one...HOWEVER, before that, I had marbles instead I just bought a few bags of marbles.

MAN, I am such an excitment whore. I get so into the theme of the class.


Please PLEASE Frances, don't make a "columbine: film study" class...

-love joe-

1 comment:

Frances said...

I know, it's so easy to get obsessed with things...

Today at the op-shop I scored some piping to use to build stuff in marble class, I got so excited! And I've been asking people to collect toilet roll tubes for me.

At the op-shop I also got a book about teaching english that was published in 1957 and decided that it would be fun to teach a class as it was taught back then. I love the language they use. I particularly like chapter six which is called 'Extending One's Power of Expression'. I'll bring it to class on Friday.

P.S. Joe, your sense on humor baffles me.